Accelerating the impact of leaders
in these times of change.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Transformational coaching helps you recognize, fulfill,
and accelerate your vision.
We are living in a time of significant change. Global systems are breaking down and new ways forward are starting to emerge. It is a time of great potential that is inviting our full participation in co-creating a more sustainable, regenerative world.
You are a leader or a team with a bold vision to bring forth a new world. You want to contribute to society as we navigate the breakdown of outgrown concepts, beliefs, and structures to find a way to live more equitably, more sustainably, more respectfully on planet earth.
You understand that to achieve that dream, you need to transform yourself and grow beyond outdated concepts about your identity, about life, and what’s possible. You are seeking wholeness for the planet, and you are looking to cultivate wholeness in yourself, and in your team.
I am committed to supporting the acceleration your growth and capacity to embody the change you want to see in the world. I will not only help you clarify your vision and strategy, but I work with you to embody the qualities of the change you seek, thereby aligning your internal world with your external vision.
Our work together will help you build the conscious awareness needed to stay true to your vision.

My understanding of life and how human beings grow draws from my love of science – including cosmology, particle physics and neuroscience – and from my study and practice of psychology and spirituality. From the insights of these disciplines, I see human consciousness as highly malleable, able to expand with intention and practice. We are much less ‘solid’, and therefore less limited than we think, in regards to our identity as well as our material conditions. The natural world – from the greater cosmos, to the mountains, rivers, forests and deserts of the earth – is available to support us energetically.
I believe that human beings are capable of great leaps in self-awareness, personal healing, connection, and creative manifestation. The key to this freedom is embracing both the inner and outer truth of our lives unconditionally, and to channel that liberated energy towards bringing a new world into being.
As a guide for your coaching journey, whether with an individual or team, I tune into what is emerging – in your mental and emotional awareness, in your commitments, in your intentions, and in your dreams.
I believe my clients are already whole, completely coherent in their mind, heart and body – but that we all face blockages to this fundamental truth. Together, we seek to identify these blocks, whether it be limiting beliefs, unexamined assumptions or an emotional obstruction. With awareness and practice we begin to make visible what has been previously operating invisibly, thereby unlocking the clarity and capacity needed to create a transformational shift in being and action.
I focus on your aspirations, that which you most long to bring into your world and seek to help you foster the conditions and strength to realize them.
Trusted by these Global Organizations and Leaders

Colette Ruoff, MBA, PCC
For 20 years, Colette has been facilitating growth and transformation for leaders, teams and organizations – with the aim to help people make better decisions together, to more effectively respond to today’s complex challenges, to achieve their missions, and overall to create a better world.
Colette’s coaching is focused on building self-awareness, relational skills and systems thinking to maximize her client’s influence and skill in fulfilling what is most important. Read more about Colette